Archive | September, 2012


Dayton Originals

The Egyptian is Don Boeke, and owner of The Egyptian Body Shop.  An artist in metal, paint, fiber glass, carbon fiber or any media of his choosing, he garners a national recognition yet hides among us in plain sight! Creating some of the worlds most beautiful and outrageous automotive statements have made his name synonymous […]


The Road We’re On

         The Road We’re On | The Chevrolet Project | by Leigh Caraccioli – Branding intrigues me. I love representing individuals, organizations and  brands with photography. So when I was approached to do this photography project with Chevrolet capturing real, local people and their unique Chevy ownership stories, I took the bait. Creating photos […]

1953 East 3rd.St | Dayton Ohio 45403 | USA | PH.(937) 252-0401